Death Race Beyond Anarchy Movie Review

It seems I was wrong in the Death Race 2050 review to call the reboot series a "trilogy." While it has been called such and marketed as such for quite some time, in 2018 a 4th movie in that timeline was released. Death Race: Beyond Anarchy. This time around, (blog post) the prison is less a prison and more a dystopian wasteland, that happens to b

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Doll Graveyard Movie Review

Another killer doll movie by the grandmaster of schlock, Charles Band, Doll Graveyard is an hour long tale about a small group of dolls attacking a small group of teenagers who happen to be drinking, doing drugs and having sex. It's not exactly an original idea, you could say... but it's not like Charles Band and Full Moon have no experience with

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Godzilla VS King Ghidorah Movie Review

Sometimes you just want to kick back, and enjoy a simple movie about giant monsters crushing cities as they fight. Then somehow, you end up in a convoluted tale about world war 2, time (blog post) travel and economic terrorism. Only in (blog) Japan...Source: Godzilla VS King Ghidorah Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Species III Movie Review

Finally, after years and years of not having quite enough time to get to this, I have no time for anything but got to this anyway! Species III, the 3rd movie in the Species franchise. What's new this time? We went straight to DVD, have next to no budget, and best of all it's now all centered around a random college horror movies campus! That keep

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Judge Dredd Movie Review

Admit it. If I didn't review this one during THE SUMMER OF SYLVESTER STALLONE you'd all track me down and judge me. The same year Assassins came out, we got another much more infamous Stallone flick.. that being this one, Judge Dredd. It was based on a comic, but.. well.. what happens when (blog post) Hollywood gets their hands on any established

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